Our terms of Service

Guidelines for using our services.

At Doing Our Doody Pet Waste Removal, we're dedicated to offering comprehensive services to maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of your outdoor spaces. Our services are divided into four key areas:

  • Pet Waste Removal: Our core service involves regular and thorough removal of pet waste from your property. This includes a detailed cleanup process to ensure your yard is not just visually clean but also hygienically safe for both pets and humans. Our team is trained to be meticulous, ensuring no area is overlooked during our visits.
  • Full Area Deodorizing: Beyond waste removal, we offer full area deodorizing services as a paid add-on. This service is designed to eliminate odors  in outdoor spaces frequented by pets. Having recently shifted to an all natural enzyme product, we aim to enhance the overall cleanliness and safety of your yard, making it a more pleasant environment for everyone, while maintaining the health and safety of your pets. This add-on will provide the best results when used in conjunction with each poop scooping visit. Ingredient lists for the products we use are available upon request, and while instances of adverse effects on pets have been extremely rare, there's always a chance that a pet will react poorly to any product.
  • Large Area Sanitizing: This product is meant mostly for our commercial customers, as it is a Vet Grade sanitizing chemical spray which kills a host of canine and feline borne illnesses, including parvovirus, kennel cough, and more. This spray is a no-rinse solution, and is most effective on non-natural surfaces such as concrete artificial turf, gravel, and more. There is no way to fully sanitize yards, lawns, and soil, and so while this spray can be applied in lawns, and yards, it is much more effective on hard surfaces. There are secondary deodorizing properties to it, but for those most concerned with odors, and not sanitizing kennels/facilities, our residential deodorizing spray should be preferred.
  • Complementary Trash and Toy Pickup: In addition to our primary services, we provide complimentary pickup of small trash items and pet/children's toys. Toys will be gathered and placed in an area where they are safe from lawn care activities and protected from the elements when possible. While our trash pickup service aims to contribute to the overall cleanliness of your yard, it is secondary to our main focus of pet waste removal. We will not be responsible for the thorough cleaning of excessive trash, but we strive to take some of the burden off our customers' hands.

Scheduling Flexibility, Weather Conditions, and Cancellations

Weather inconveniences, and other unforeseen circumstances do not hinder our commitment to providing service whenever it's safe and possible. Expect us to make our visits as scheduled unless communicated otherwise, reflecting the value we offer through our service.

  • Service Through Varied Conditions: We aim to carry out services even in light to moderate rain, snow, and during heat advisories. You should expect us to complete our visits as planned, unless notified of changes, emphasizing our dedication to your yard's upkeep.
  • Customer-Requested Skips: Requests to skip services due to personal preferences related to adverse weather, house work, construction, or other customer-initiated reasons will generally be honored, but requests to skip service must be submitted the day before the service is to be performed. Customers must understand that in a service visit-based visit, a lo of our expenses are incurred during travel from one job to another, and the time allotted for your appointment is one that we cannot fill with another client. We are only able to keep prices and expenses low and reasnable, by meticulous routing and planning, and failure to provide advanced notice of a request to skip, may result in charges as if the work visit was completed as scheduled, especially if our technician is turned away upon arrival, when we did not receive appropriately prior notice. In these cases of customer-requested service skips, additional charges in line with the period of time between visits will be incurred upon resumption of services. In other words, if a customer requests a skipped week, now 2 weeks of waste will have accrued, and the subsequent week's visit will be billed at an "Every-2-Week" rate, or whatever the timeframe dictates. This policy protects us from people cherrypicking which weeks our tech's perform services, which complicates routes and takes advantage of our scheduling and billing structure. Customers who leave on vacation and will not need service due to taking their dogs with them or boarding them off-site must provide at least 24 hours' notice prior to the scheduled service date to allow us to modify our routing and ensure our scoopers can adjust their days. Customers will not be charged for periods of vacation or when their dogs are off-site, but if, upon resumption of services, a scooper finds that there is excessive or abnormal pet waste in the yard, indicating that pets were present during that skipped period, "Initial/One-Time Visit" or other appropriate service timeframe rates may be applied.
  • Proactive Measures for Severe Weather: We proactively strive to complete all visits ahead of potential severe weather, demonstrating our commitment to maintaining your service schedule with minimal disruption.
  • Adjustments by Doing Our Doody: In cases of severe weather, scooper unavailability, or other unforeseen circumstances that prevent scheduled service, we will reschedule for the earliest suitable day once conditions allow. This may temporarily result in shorter intervals between services but is essential for maintaining operational efficiency. Cancellations or skips initiated by Doing Our Doody under these conditions will not be charged to the client, ensuring fairness and transparency in our service commitment. However, customer cancellation of services for the week, under the pretense of poor weather or other customer-requested/non-Doing Our Doody decisions may be subject to appropriate charges as previously outlined in the Terms of Service.

Access and Safety

Ensuring the safety of our staff and your pets is paramount, and access to the service area is crucial for fulfilling our duties.

  • Gate/Yard Access: Customers must ensure gates are in good working order an can be easily opened, closed, and secured. For locked gates, the customer must provide the code or means of access to our employees. Technicians are responsible for re-securing the yard after service. Doing Our Doody is not liable for pre-existing damage to gates and fences, only for any damage directly caused by our actions during the visit. If we cannot gain entry due to a lack of access, service cannot be provided for that visit. By agreeing to services provided by Doing Our Doody, the client agrees to always have their yard access in proper working order, with appropriate access, which includes easily opened and operated gates, provision of gate codes, or previously unlocked locks. If access to the yard is not possible through traditional and simple means, charges for the visit will still be applied, reflecting the time and resources allocated for your scheduled service. Doing Our Doody never aims to subvert our duties in your yard and will make reasonable attempts to gain access to the yard, by trying to manipulate rickety gates, difficult to operate and secure latches, and other situations. Techs will never be expected to, nor will they ever be asked to jump fences or gates to gain access to a yard. Doing Our Doody rmay issue warnings for inaccessible yards, but reserves the right to charge for a visit as normal, if we deem it necessary.
  • Yard Upkeep: A well-maintained yard is essential for our scoopers to deliver thorough and efficient service. Overgrown or poorly kept yards can conceal waste, making it difficult for us to ensure a complete clean-up. In cases of extreme overgrowth or poor maintenance, parts of the yard may not be serviceable or accessible. While we cannot guarantee the removal of all waste in grossly overgrown or unkempt areas, our scoopers will always do their best to provide complete service. Ensuring your yard is adequately maintained facilitates the effectiveness of our services and allows us to uphold our commitment to cleanliness. Service technicians will not circle back to redo visits for yards that are not well maintained, nor will discounts/refunds be issued in these cases either. Pet Waste Removal is a supplemental service to be done in conjunction with normal yard upkeep and landscaping. References for lawn care/landscaping companies are available upon request.
  • Pet Security and Service Decisions: Pets must be securely contained to enable safe access to service. If pets are present and cannot be safely managed, the service may be skipped, with charges applied as per our operational costs. The decision to provide service amidst pets is at our staff's discretion and heavily influenced by safety considerations. Charges will be applied for visits skipped due to safety concerns or unsecured pets. Following these guidelines helps ensure efficient service delivery, maintains the integrity of your property, and ensures the wellbeing of your pets. For pets that appear menacing, spend the majority of their time outside, or are likely to be present during service visits, meet and greets should be performed to put both the pets and techs at ease prior to visits being performed.

Payment and Service Rates

  • Payment methods: Payment methods include credit/debit cards and electronic payments (Venmo, PayPal, CashApp). Jobber supports secure, convenient payments. Invoicing is standard post-visit, with monthly pre-pay options available for our residential customers. Prepayment for commercial properties is required and available on a monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, or annual basis. Refunds are issued at our discretion for incomplete, or unsatisfactory service. Cash payment at the time of service is not an acceptable form of payment. However, our scoopers are allowed to accept cash tips, though they shall never request them or expect them. Our scoopers are well compensated for their work.
  • Delinquent Payment: Residential customers are invoiced post-visit every visit, unless otherwise arranged, and that invoice is due upon receipt. In the event an invoice goes unpaid to the date of the next service, service may be withheld until full payment is remitted. If payment is not fulfilled within 30 days of service, the balance may go to collections. It is always our goal to avoid this, and we will provide manual, and automated reminders of overdue balances via text or email.
  • Rate Adjustments: Quotes may be adjusted if the condition/size of yards are larger or smaller than initially quoted. In these instances, Doing Our Doody will confirm adjusted rates prior to any changes in quoted rates being applied. All rates are also evaluated twice a year for adjustment out of necessity due to required service time in the yard, the volume of waste being collected, geographic/routing inconvenience, or general inflation. These evaluations are performed in June and December. Doing Our Doody maintains meticulous records of the amount of time each visit takes, and to maintain efficiency, we have parameters we must abide by in order to operate properly. Any customer whose rates are affected will be notified via email.

Liability and Indemnification

Doing Our Doody is committed to providing high-quality service with the utmost care. However, we cannot assume liability for pre-existing conditions or damage outside our control. Doing Our Doody carries industry-specific liability insurance for the extremely low chance that our representatives ever cause direct harm to your yard, fence, or pet, ensuring additional peace of mind for our clients. Proof of insurance is available upon request.

Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. We will never sell your information to third-party vendors or companies. However, with your permission, we may refer other local businesses or services that we think you may benefit from, or liaise contact between you and another service, aiming to enhance the value we provide to you. Doing Our Doody may, at times, take pictures of our completed work, before/after photos, or even pictures of your pets, for promotion of our business and services. By agreeing to service, you agree to these marketing photos, and we are committed to exclude any identifying details/addresses/and customer names from our images/promotion material, to protect you, and your property.

Changes to Terms of Service

This is a living document, updated as needed to reflect changes in our services or legal requirements. It is always readily available for customers to review, with the last date of modification listed within the document. It is important for us to state that it will never be our intent to leverage these terms of service to unfairly collect payment for services not performed, or to trick customers into a situation they did not anticipate. Doing Our Doody will always act in good faith, but we always need to protect our time, and our services, and while we may bend or amend these guidelines and terms, having a set of expectations allows us to provide the best service possible, with realistic expectations.

Governing Law

Doing Our Doody provides a taxable service, according to the State of Texas, and therefore every visit is subject to local sales tax in the community that services are rendered. This agreement is governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which Doing Our Doody operates, ensuring legal clarity.

Contact Information

Doing Our Doody Pet Waste Removal is owned and operated by Willum Lackey, and any major complaints, concerns, questions, comments, or inquiries may be made to him directly, at the following contact information.

Willum Lackey
(325) 669-5558